Leadership Newark is proud to host a public policy summit during which community members are brought together with key stakeholders in the community to hammer out solutions for many of the policy related issues affecting our city. In 2013, Rebuilding the Dream That Is Newark focused on rebuilding a more economically and socially stable Newark. Participants were encouraged to Learn, Act, and Change to foster a coalition diverse people who may want to become part of an action-oriented group. In 2015, Newark In Action brought together a myriad of experts in Education, Public Safety and Economic Development to discuss and create solutions from reducing recidivism and improving prisoner reentry to adult illiteracy. In 2017, Destination Newark: People, Places & Progress continued to stimulate and motivate community participants and corporate stakeholders to work together to improve the conditions of our cities infrastructure and transportation systems.
On November 7th 2020 we will explore an Intergenerational Commitment from Boomer to Gen Z.