Leadership Newark fellows highlighted critical strategies for a successful implementation of a community development corporation specifically for the south ward in the City of Newark. The team also developed a comprehensive overview of community development corporations that have contributed to strong, vibrant communities.
Leadership Newark fellows reviewed, revised, organized and standardized the Standard Operating Procedures for FOCUS to ensure consistency with user-friendly language for implantation.
The Leadership Newark fellows developed a strategic plan as a roadmap to transform the program’s vision into reality over the coming program years. Comprised of three objective areas, 16 strategic action items, and a three-year timeline, the strategic plan proposed by the team for the period between 2010-2013. The plan included steps towards establishing a safe and stable physical location for Dreamers focused on obtaining a college education; Expanding IHAD Newark’s programs through dynamic relationships with partners; Strengthening families with the capacity to support the educational and career goals of their children and Achieving of lasting connections between Dreamers and role models in the community.
The fellows established a training program focusing on board service and governance. The project designed included a curriculum and a logo created specifically for the initiative. The team also created recommendations for marketing and promoting this initiative.
Leadership Newark fellows created a business plan to specifically highlight recommendations for NJHS to consider E-commerce as its primary vehicle for implementing a for-profit venture.
Through extensive research and data collection, fellows devised a strategic framework on incentivizing property maintenance amongst commercial property owners in the Broad and Market Street Corridors of Downtown Newark.
The National Center for Public Performance and Productivity engaged Fellows to create an online resource primarily for urban communities in the State of New Jersey to advance the understanding of shared public resources among urban communities. In addition, they facilitated interaction between Rutgers University and the NJ Urban Mayor’s Committee to explore opportunities to ensure the sustainability of the shared services website.
The fellows developed a comprehensive marketing plan that highlighted out of school time programming with a focus on younger children (early education and elementary education). The plan provided a sustainable method to attract participants to out of school time programming.
Fellows created a Service Learning Program that provide hands on learning experience that will connect students with their local community. The program was set to include a performance measurement plan that includes key performance indicators, outcomes, benchmarks for success and program evaluation and a reporting approach that will sustain partnerships and engagement in the program.
The fellows presented their well-researched strategy towards initiating a city-themed 5k run. From researching county and city permit regulation, to historical landmarks and mapping, the team resolved a challenge that will potentially move forward and be incorporated in Newark’s 350th anniversary celebration.