On Tuesday, June 3, Leadership Newark hosted its 16th Annual Anniversary Gala at The Newark Club. The evening was marked by a beautiful performance of LN’s new official anthem, “Newark, We Believe,” performed by alumni Khalil Rashidi (LN class of 2004) and Anna Marie Gewirtz (LN class of 2008). Numerous distinctions were awarded that night to various community partners for their continued efforts and beliefs in the city of Newark. Among these recipients were Prudential, PSEG, the Fidelco Group, and the United Way of Essex and West Hudson. Special awards were presented to Rebecca Doggett, an LN Newark Board Emeritus, & Senior Fellow for the New Jersey Instititue for Social Justice, and Modia “Mo” Butler, State Director, US Senator Cory A. Booker. Leadership Newark would like to thank everyone for coming and making this night a total success; we look forward to seeing you all again next year! If you have pictures from the event, please send them to Alison at AFernandez.LNewark@gmail.com.