Be sure to save your seat for this year’s celebration, featuring this year’s distinguished Honorees:
Kathy Ahearn O’Brien, LN ’18, Hyacinth Aids Foundation;
Aisha Glover, Newark Alliance;
Calvin Ledford, LN ’14, PSE&G;
Eric Pennington, LN ’00, City of Newark;
Paramount Assets
Join us to enjoy cocktails, dinner, and to celebrate Leadership Newark’s 21st Birthday!
Tuesday April 30th, 2019
The Avenue A Club
58 Avenue A
Newark, NJ 07114
6:00pm – 9:00pm
Valet Parking Available
Please RSVP by Monday, April 19, 2019 by calling the office at (973) 350-9200 or sending your RSVP card information to LeadershipNewarkGala@gmail.com
Fellows +1 (significant other) please call the office.