I Need Another Me!! — Written by: Celia M. King, MPS
I Need Another Me! So I thought…. Do you ever feel you have so much on your plate – and how in the world will you get it all done by all the deadlines before you???? Do you feel as though you could use a clone? I certainly feel that way...
New Jersey’s Aging Water Infrastructure: What Does it Mean for Newark? Written By: Laureen Delance, MPA
John F. McKeon of NJ.com, provides an informed opinion of New Jersey’s drinking water. With much of the state’s pipelines being between the ages of 100 and 140 years old, he cautions readers that the majority of these pipes will soon reach their...
How Housing Issues affect Public Safety – Written By: Laureen Delance, MPA
“Public safety and public health are two critical priorities of my administration and they are intertwined. Unsafe buildings create health and safety hazards that endanger our residents, breed crime, and imperil our efforts to transform Newark...
HIV Awareness and Healthcare – Written By: Leah Jackson
We’d be remiss not to mention that this past Thursday, June 27th was National HIV Testing Day. We believe that knowing your HIV status is everything! Not just on National Testing Day, but every day is an opportunity to take a step forward, and be...