Senior Project Manager and Senior Vice President of WSP USA Inc.

Anand Paluri is a Senior Project Manager and Senior Vice President of WSP USA Inc., leading the Mid-Atlantic District and is responsible for Operations in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. He leads Transportation and Infrastructure, Environmental, Planning, Water, Energy and Property and Buildings service lines in the region. He has over 34 years of experience working in traffic engineering, transportation planning, concept development, environmental studies and highway design projects related to bridges, corridors, local streets, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, parking, transit, toll plazas, ports and airports. His experience includes corridor planning studies, traffic impact studies, parking analyses, safety analyses, traffic calming, planning and design of pedestrian and bicycle facilities, highway signing, design of inter-modal facilities, signal design and maintenance. He led environmental studies from screening reports to preparation of major environmental impact statements and has led many projects through concept development and feasibility assessment and obtained either a finding of no significant impact (FONSI) or a record of decision (ROD) to progress those projects through preliminary and final design and into construction. He has experience in developing plans and designs by using the principles of Context Sensitive Design and effectively coordinating projects with stakeholders and general public. He has hands-on expertise of bridge rehabilitation/reconstruction, highway alignment, drainage design, development of maintenance and protection of traffic schemes and development of plans for bridges and roadways from conceptual design to preparation of final contract drawings. As a project manager, he has a proven successful track record in coordinating projects with multitude of clients and interested parties on schedule and within budget. He has demonstrated ability to move projects forward by pro-active management.